Pretend People Love You

I kind of pilfered this week’s “small change” from another coach because it’s just too good not to share!  In Martha Beck’s article on peace of mind, she offers several suggestions, but my favorite was this one:  “Pretend people love you!”
So I tried it…and guess what?…………..It works!
Imagine how differently you would show up in the world if you knew, beyond a doubt, that the room you are about to enter is filled with people who adore you….who are there to support your success and lavish in your company!  Pretend people love you! Set that intention before you make every phone call, enter a meeting or give a tough presentation.  It’s very powerful!  Try this at home…..and you might just find that you’re pretty crazy about them, too!  Love you more!
 — added from the Bliss Blog Archive