What Do You Wear to a Pity Party

I got a note from someone the other day that said, “I sense that something is wrong, yet your life is perfect, so how could that be?” Are you kidding me?!!!  My life is great, don’t get me wrong, but it’s not for lack of the same crap that everyone deals with.  I’m a Bliss Mentor, not a Yogi.  There’s an important distinction that I’d love to share with you.  It’s very possible for you to find “bliss” without achieving the pinnacle of spiritual and emotional utopia.  Bliss doesn’t mean that you have your life all figured out and that problems elude you.  (Spoiler Alert: That never happens!)  It just means that you choose to find moments of appreciation and beauty, not just when the evidence is good, but through whatever Hell is going on in your life.

A little secret about me: Not so long ago, I lost 75% of my income (too many eggs in one basket) and the man I loved (apparently not enough eggs in that basket) all in the same week!  Let’s just say that conditions were ripe for a pity party of extreme proportions! Now,  I’d love to tell you that I put on my big girl panties and brushed it off.  Truth is, after a couple of weeks, I got tired of waking up with my eyes swollen shut from crying.  Actually, I wasn’t sleeping much, so I was just plain tired!  This story has a happy ending – bear with me.  Point is, even for the most optimistic among us, I’m here to tell you that it’s okay to go there, in fact it’s important to go there….just don’t set up camp!

I’ve learned that true bliss can only come from experiencing ALL of my feelings, not just the ones I’m proud of.  I’ve also learned that, just because something looks broken, doesn’t mean that it is.  Be prepared!  Once you set a new intention for your life and take action in that direction, the wheels will fall right off the bus of your current reality!  You can’t create a bigger life by living in your old circumstances.  Some things and people will go with you.  Some can’t…or won’t…or shouldn’t.

So, what did you wear to a pity party?  For a while, you may wear sweats stained with Ben & Jerry’s.  When you’re ready, you’ll trade in your Pebble’s ponytail for a glimpse of sunlight.  Stay grounded in the truth of who you are.  Remember this: naturally thin people don’t eat diet food and inherently happy people possess an underlying belief, despite all evidence to the contrary, that everything is going to be okay.  And it is.  Trust me.

–added from the Bliss Blog Archives