Who I Am...

On my resume, I am a Coach, a Speaker and a Bliss Mentor. Yet before all that, I am a woman, a mom, a lover, a friend, body, mind and soul…and all the things that come with that. That’s important because I coach from that place: real world, kinda messy, super caffeinated problem solving in the wild! You can read about my credentials and experience below. But I will want to get to know you a bit as a person first. Coaching is extremely personal and finding professional chemistry is really important for building trust and credibility.
Born and raised in the Midwest, I have traveled far and wide in my work and still find the Kansas City area a great place to raise a family (and fly out of). My first priority has been launching my 23 year old daughter, Mariah. I knew my job was not just to make sure she was fed and housed and loved. I also wanted to make sure she grew up to be a happy, productive, compassionate adult. While I was a totally committed madre, I believe that the greatest gift we can give our children is modeling that we must actively pursue our passions responsibly. As it turns out, she's a pretty amazing human with or without my influence. (And she did win Best Dressed on the 8th grade ballot, so I think my work here is done!) Ok…all kidding aside, if you’re waiting for your kids to be grown to follow your callings, remember that children do as we do, not as we say!
A child of the sixties and seventies, I was raised by teenagers during the era of “If it feels good, do it”, with very little structure. While it was great fun, I was grossly unprepared to take on the responsibilities of an adult — so I share with you my wisdom born of pain. Like many of you, I have experienced the hardship of single parenting, wondering how I would pay the rent and struggling to figure out where I fit in the world. What I’ve learned is that the journey takes on a gratifying new level of “kick-butt” when you leverage those lessons to take you higher rather than be the story that wears you down. Humor, focused intention and good old fashioned accountability are the tools I used to make this happen in my life and I can show you how to make magic in yours!
Whether one on one or in my group sessions, you can expect to the needle move on your goals quickly and with more clarity than you ever thought possible. Join me in whatever way best serves you, but let's most definitely connect!
Bliss and Hugs,